The Broken Goddess Team

The Broken Goddess Team is led by Random_Taffer and Yandros, who have combined experience of nearly 40 years working with Dromed and the Dark engine.

Random_TafferLead Designer YandrosProject Manager
BazookaBearArtist Dale_Artist, Modeler
FiremageModeler, Wizard marblemanBuilder
McTafferArtist MT3Voice Actor
nickedArtist, Builder, Modeler Psych0sisBuilder
PurgatorArtist R SoulBuilder, Modeler, Wizard

Contributors and Consultants:

We need your talents! If you are interested in contributing to this massive project, here is a list of positions we need filled:

All work will be organized via a Team server on Discord. If you would like to help out and contribute in any way, please reach out to Random_Taffer directly.