How to set up BarredDoors
Thief II only
How many times have you played a mission and been spotted through a BarredDoor
even though you were crawling around under the window?
Setting up these doors to work realisticly is the work of a few seconds.
First, create your BarredDoor (-3121) and
open it's Door->Rotating, then set the
Blocks Vision flag to True.
If you reportalise the mission, you will notice that a thin black 'blockable'
brush is now blocking your vision, even through the bars.
To fix this, change the object's Physics->Model->Dimensions,
X |
Y |
Z |
Offset |
0 |
0 |
-1.5 |
Size |
4 |
0.25 |
5 |
Now, the AIs will only see you through the upper part of the door.
For some reason, they can't see you when you're standing right up next
to the door, only if you are a little bit away from it, but it's already
a major improvement over the way things are normally.
Strangely enough, the AIs only seem to see through those portions of
the model which have holes (that is, the holes between the bars), and
not those portions of the model that are just outside the 'blockable'
Because of this, it seems you can't use this method on doors with glass
windows in them.