Animted textures on objects It is possible to animate any texture used in DromEd, be a terrain texture, interface image, bitmap particle effect, or custom object texture. This is done by creating each frame of the animation as seperate texture file and giving them all special names. The naming convention is as follows: There are three limits: First, the texture names, including the _#, must be equal to or less than 8 characters plus extension. So, TestFile_1.gif will not be animated, but TestFi_1.gif will be. Second, every frame in the animation must use the exact same palette. (For a guide on creating common palettes using Bright, look here. Third, I think the maximum number of frames you can use in a single animation is 20 (*_ through *_19) - however, you could use a carefully timed Model tweq to overcome this limit. The rate (I haven't found a way to change it yet) seems to be fixed at around 4fps. |